The Mechanic


When my best friend calls me in the middle of the night and orders me to help his little sister, I want to choke the life out of him. It’s almost 1 AM and I’ve just popped open my first bottle of beer. I was looking forward to a relaxing weekend free from the smell of grease and exhaust.

I guess that’s not happening anymore.

With a groan and a couple of curses, I grudgingly drive to the outskirts of town.

I know Nora. She used to tag along with me and Keith until he yelled at her to go home. She had red, curly hair, a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks, and the cutest dimple on her chin.

For some reason, I half-expect to see some kid in the car, and I even briefly wonder if she’s old enough to get a license.

When I finally find her, she turns around and seizes my heart clean off my chest.

She’s my best friend’s sister, and I’m way older than her. She’s flawless, perfect. I’m just an ordinary man with dirt under his fingernails.

So many reasons not to touch her and stay as far away from her as possible.

But…all it takes is for her to look at me like she wants me too and whatever wall of excuses I’ve erected around myself comes crumbling down.

Nora’s mine. I should feel guilty about claiming her, but I don’t. I need her in my life. As for the consequences, I can’t bring myself to give a damn.

As long as I have her.

F*ck everything else.

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