The Librarian


I’ve been obsessed with Jenna since the moment I laid eyes on her.

I don’t think she notices me, which is fine because I’m nothing but a librarian with the looks of a lumberjack. Someone as perfect as her doesn’t deserve someone like me.


My obsession with her has already taken root, shocking me down to the marrow of my bones, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Nothing but stare at her from afar, flooded by visions of her writhing as I’m pumping her full with my seed, binding her to me.

So when she comes to the library after a party looking for me…all thoughts fly out the window. All sensible, logical thoughts. Who cares? I’ll be a fool if I waste this one shot with her.

And now that I’ve gotten a taste…

Let’s just say…it’s easier to gnaw off a limb than let her go. She’s f*cking mine. Anyone who disagrees can go straight to hell.


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