Stalker Stepbrother


After spending most of my childhood and teenage years living on literal crumbs, I promised myself two things:

I will never EVER get hungry again.
And I will end anyone who tries to take what’s mine.

I spent the next three decades trying to make my way to the top. Losing my morals along the way. Putting up walls so thick no one can break in, not even with a cannon.
More money than I can spend in my lifetime even if I live to be 200.

Blood…lots of blood…on my hands.
But now… I can do whatever I want.

And what I want is to watch her 24/7. Know what she does day in and day out. Who she talks to. What she likes. Doesn’t like. Who bothers her. Whose face I have to rearrange. Callie is mine. Even if she doesn’t know it yet.

For the past two weeks, I’ve been trying my damnedest to keep my inner beast at bay. The beast that wants to claim this little girl. Claim her in every way.

But I’m losing my hold on it as my obsession overrides everything else. This is a different kind of hunger. A hunger I can’t satiate unless she’s writhing under me and screaming my name.
I’m Callum Callahan. Full-time stalker. Callie’s stepbrother.

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