
I thought I was dead inside, being trapped between three concrete walls and a row of bars does that to a man.

I thought I was content with my garage and my tools, building things but then she comes along and shows me what it’s like to feel alive once again.

Maybe she just showed up by fate.  Fate…that’s one word which I don’t believe in.  But there are a lot of things I didn’t believe in until she showed up.

I don’t care how rich she is, money can’t make her happy…but I can. 

I see the hopelessness in her eyes.  

I’ve got enough to deal with as it is, with no time for anyone else.  But she’s not just anyone.  

She’s everything and her problems are much more important than mine, because by definition if she’s not absolutely happy then no way in hell can I ever so much as blink, let alone get one second of sleep until she’s not only safe and sound, but smiling ear to ear…because I’ve just made that singular focus my life mission.

Because she’s my life now.  It all starts and ends with her.

If someone or something is trying to stand between us then they can count on me paying them a very personal house call.  One solitary visit which will put an end to anything they have planned…and them in the process.

Because nothing stands in between me and what’s mine.  Her.

Nothing.  Period.

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