
Before I laid my eyes on her, I had one goal—to build my legacy. That’s it.
I steer clear of distractions or any hindrances to achieving that lifelong dream.
Then, Bailey comes along and all cosmic hell breaks loose. Because…
Bailey is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and while that awakens a primal hunger in me, I soon find out that she’s more than just a pretty face. She’s smart, witty, and takes no shit from anyone…including me.
And the best part? She’s as driven and ambitious as me.
The problem is that Bailey is not just another beat writer, and her connection to someone who’s determined to make my life a living hell makes things complicated.
Too bad because the moment our lips touch, she becomes mine, and anyone who has worked with me will say one thing—I do not have it in me to quit. That means I take care and protect what belongs to me.
Bailey belongs to me. Anyone stupid enough to come between us will soon realize just how different I become when I turn feral. F*ck with me and find out, I guess.

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