My Brother’s Locksmith Friend


Helping Havana Bradley, my friend and associate’s younger sister, break into a stranger’s home goes against my code of ethics as a locksmith.

However, not helping this little girl find jewelry stolen from her apartment by a shady plumber goes against my code of ethics as a man.

I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure she gets back what belongs to her, even if that means confronting someone dangerous from my past.

Anyone who messes with this young, innocent beauty has to deal with me. And anyone who’s lived in Conklin County long enough knows better than to want to be on the receiving end of a Haven’s wrath.

Nothing and no one will stop me from keeping her safe in her home…or in my bed. I just have to show her how a real man treats his girl, pump her full with my seed, and prove to her that the best place to be…is by my side.

I sense on a primal frequency that she’s already mine…even before our mouths even touch.

Us Haven men don’t half-ass things. We go big or go home.

And for Havana?

I’m all in.

F*ck everything else.


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