
I have a plan. Or I did.

Running into the same girl I saved earlier is a one in eight million shot.

I’m not a believer in fate, destiny, or any of that new age nonsense.

But ever since that moment this morning she’s all I’ve been able to think about.

The irony of this all is that I knew I was going to hire her before I ever came into the city this morning.

The application process is all a rouse for a bigger game I’m playing. I just didn’t know that this faceless girl would be the same one I met in such strange circumstances.

This isn’t what I expected. This wasn’t part of the plan.

But it’s lead me to the ultimate win of my life…her.

I had a plan and I executed it. The only problem is it’s working out too well. I expected results, but I didn’t expect this…because I never could have expected she’d be as perfect as she is.

But what if she figures out the truth? Will she still want to be with me? Would she try and leave?

It’s not a chance I’m willing to take, because when I told her she’s mine I meant it…whether she understands what that means or not.

She’s mine now. My little girl. There’s no turning back, whether she likes it or not, forever and always.

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