
I’ve got enough money that I’d never want for anything. I see something I want, I buy it. But this Christmas is the first time I want an actual gift, something that money can’t buy.

But she’s too young, too innocent.

Then again who am I kidding? Sure, maybe I haven’t claimed her with words, or the actual actions, but we both know I’ve already claimed her.

There’s no going back.

This Christmas I’m ready to be beyond bad, but unlike what mothers tell their children, being bad is going to get me the only gift I’ve ever truly wanted. Her, as mine.

She is my responsibility. Period. From now on, and I don’t care how crazy that sounds to anyone else or even to her.

My obsession with her surprises even me, or at least initially. There’s just something that switches inside me every time I see her.

And then it comes to me, the word, Daddy.

There’s a certain sense of…completion, within me. It’s as if there’s always been this missing puzzle piece in my life that I never actually knew was missing, until now. Until her. And this Christmas she will be mine. Now and forever.

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