Claimed by my Stepbrother


What am I supposed to do with some spoiled American girl?

When my father asked me if I would let my new stepsister come to Italy to stay at my compound, I considered telling him no. When he added that he expected me to act as her tour guide, I almost hung up. Almost.

The problem is that family means everything to me. If it wasn’t for my father passing the torch to me, I wouldn’t be where I am now—the youngest boss in the history of the Gallucci crime family.

So I do my part. I have my best man pick her up at the airport and instruct him to give her anything she needs and take her anywhere she wants to go. What more can my father expect from me? He knows what this job entails. I don’t have time to babysit a teenage girl. That thought alone is laughable.

Well, it was…until I see her.

I lay my eyes on Gabby and immediately know I’ll do anything for her. She looks so lost and so innocent that my protective instincts kick right in. Where I come from, we protect our women. She’ll know what it’s like to have a real man look after her.

But our parents and my enemies threaten to keep us apart. No matter. She was always meant to be mine. My wife. The mother of my kids.

Letting her go is not an option. If anyone thinks otherwise, tough luck.

What am I supposed to do with some spoiled American girl? When my father asked me if I would let my new stepsister come to Italy to stay at my compound, I considered telling him no. When he added that he expected me to act as her tour guide, I almost hung up. Almost. The problem is that family means everything to me. If it wasn’t for my father passing the torch to me, I wouldn’t be where I am now—the youngest boss in the history of the Gallucci crime family. So I do my part. I have my best man pick her up at the airport and instruct him to give her anything she needs and take her anywhere she wants to go. What more can my father expect from me? He knows what this job entails. I don’t have time to babysit a teenage girl. That thought alone is laughable. Well, it was…until I see her. I lay my eyes on Gabby and immediately know I’ll do anything for her. She looks so lost and so innocent that my protective instincts kick right in. Where I come from, we protect our women. She’ll know what it’s like to have a real man look after her. But our parents and my enemies threaten to keep us apart. No matter. She was always meant to be mine. My wife. The mother of my kids. Letting her go is not an option. If anyone thinks otherwise, tough luck.

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