Christmas Eve with Dad’s Best Friend


I’ve known him all my life.

Christian Caruso.

The man who went out of his way to get me a Christmas tree when my parent said I was too old for one.

What he didn’t know was that it wasn’t a tree that I wanted for Christmas. I only wanted him.

My dad’s best friend.

He’s all I’ve ever wished for since I first started developing a crush in junior high.

The only man I’ve ever daydreamed about, doodling his name after mine in my notebook.

The alpha energy that he exudes, holding me down, taking me, making me his once and for all. That’s what I really want for Christmas, have for years and that wasn’t about to change anytime soon…or ever.

But something has changed. I can see it in his eyes. And I’m going to do whatever it takes to make my wish come true.

This Christmas Eve the only gift I want Christian, my dad’s best friend, to unwrap…is me. But what if that leads to another gift, the best kind, that we were never expecting?

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